
49 pages 1 hour read

Elizabeth Kolbert

The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History (2014)

Nonfiction | Book | Adult | Published in 2014

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Chapters 7-9Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 7 Summary: “Dropping Acid: Acropora millepora”

In Chapter Seven, Kolbert travels to the research station on One Tree Island at the southern tip of the Great Barrier Reef, near Australia. The island is made up of sections of coral rubble, and the island owes its existence to a massive storm that occurred nearly four thousand years ago. Modern storms also leave their mark on the island, which continually seems to be in the process of changing shape.

Captain James Cook was the first European to encounter the Great Barrier Reef in 1770, in a rather unenviable fashion: his boat ran into a section of the reef, and Cook’s crew spent two months repairing the hull. Cook was mystified by the existence and height of the ridge, although he understood that it had been formed by animals in the ocean.

Lyell was highly interested in coral reefs and their formations, but it was Darwin who saw some while in Tahiti in 1835. There Darwin climbed up a tall point on the island and noticed that the nearby island of Moorea was “encircled by a reef the way a framed etching is surrounded by a mat” (127). Darwin theorized that if the island were to sink, the reef around it would become an atoll. Lyell told Darwin that the theory would be resisted and argued, and, until the 1950s

Coral reefs are “amongst the wonderful objects of the world” (128), according to Darwin. Kolbert concurs, stating that the reefs are walls built by tiny creatures that are “part animal, part vegetable, and part mineral, at once teeming with life and, at the same time, mostly dead” (128). The reefs are calcifiers, but unlike those calcifiers that work solo, the coral reefs work together to create a project that lives on for generations. The individual corals, called polyps, each add to the main exoskeleton, forming the reef. The result is an incredible living structure, and massive as well: the Great Barrier Reef is more than 1,500 miles in length and 500 feet thick.

Kolbert compares the impact that corals have on the world as similar to the effect of human activity, with one vitally important difference: corals support other organisms, while humans destroy other species. Scientists now believe the coral reefs won’t survive past the Anthropocene period, becoming the first major ecosystem to become extinct. By 2050, the Great Barrier Reef may be reduced to eroding banks of dead coral.

At One Tree Island, Kolbert meets Ken Caldeira, a Stanford-based atmospheric scientist who is credited with creating the term “ocean acidification.” Caldeira and Kolbert travel out to One Tree Island at night, where Kolbert has the opportunity to examine the reefs directly. Kolbert then addresses how evidence for the damage carbon does to reefs came to be known, beginning in the self-sufficient Biosphere 2 dome in Arizona.

The Biosphere 2 was built in the late 1980s. A preserved three-acre area, it was designed to demonstrate how life on Earth could be recreated elsewhere, like in outer space. It contained multiple living zones that recreated oceanic, rainforest, desert, and agricultural environments. The experiment ended up a failure because decomposition won out over photosynthesis, causing oxygen levels to fall and carbon dioxide levels to skyrocket. When Columbia University took over Biosphere 2 in 1995, it was a mess. The fish in its “ocean” were dead, and the corals were nearly gone, too.

Studies showed that the pH levels in the “ocean” water were deficient, causing a saturation state to occur. One scientist, Chris Langdon, found that the coral reefs were, contrary to accepted scientific opinion, bothered by saturation states. Over three years, Langdon’s studies showed that higher saturation rates meant lower or non-existent growth in the reefs. This scenario is problematic because, in the real world, coral reefs must continuously grow to fend off erosion by storms, waves, and other marine life.

Because Langdon’s experiment occurred in the discredited Biosphere 2 project, many scientists were skeptical of his findings. In response, he spent another two years replicating the study in two other environments and produced the same results. In particular, coralline algae, a kind of reef glue, was found to have declined rapidly. Another study of the Great Barrier Reef found that its coral had decreased by 50 percent, just within the last three decades. Caldeira believes that within 50 years, the coral reefs will stop growing and become extinct.

Kolbert takes the opportunity to snorkel along One Tree Island and is struck by the sheer profusion of animal and plant life that grows and exists with the reefs. She notes that the reefs are often compared to rainforests because of the variety of life they encourage and sustain. But it was Darwin who was first intrigued by the paradox that is the coral reef: a living structure home to thousands of different life forms amid tropical waters where life supposedly should be more scarce. The answer appears to be that reef creatures recycle—that is, they have “developed a fantastically efficient system by which nutrients are passed from one class of organisms to another” (140).

Without the coral reefs, the marine life they sustain will have no food and no shelter. Although Kolbert notes the existence of “reef gaps” in earlier epochs, modern scientists worry that the reefs’ susceptibility to environmental change, combined with human activities (overfishing, deforestation, agricultural runoff) will exterminate corals forever.

Back at the research station, Kolbert speaks to researcher Selina Ward of the University of Queensland, who explains the process of coral reef procreation and growth. Ward notes that “if we continue the way we are, without making dramatic changes to our carbon emissions immediately […] we’re looking at a situation where, in the future, what we’ve got at best is remnant patches of corals” (146). An extinction of this magnitude would change the Earth permanently. 

Chapter 8 Summary: “The Forest and The Trees: Alzatea verticillata”

In eastern Peru, accompanied by professor and forest ecologist Miles Silman, Kolbert hikes through Manu National Park, one of Earth’s “great biodiversity ‘hot spots’” (148). Silman primarily studies how forest communities are affected by climate change. To determine how forests may be impacted in the future, he created a series of tree plots, which Kolbert visits with him. The seventeen parcels sit at different elevations and are thus exposed to different temperatures annually.

Silman argues that global warming will have a more significant impact on tropical environments than on any other, because the tropics are where the most species in the world exist. Unlike other ecosystems, which have relatively few species of trees, the tropics, such as those in Central America, have an enormous variety of species. In Silman’s plots alone there are 1,335 distinct tree species, “roughly fifty times as many as in all of Canada’s boreal forest” (152). The wide variety of life forms in tropical areas is explained by the latitudinal diversity gradient (LDG), a measure that indicates that life forms are most abundant at low latitudes and least abundant at the Earth’s poles.

Although the LDG has been established, the reasons it is true are still being investigated by scientists. One possible theory is that the tropics provide an environment where animals can procreate and produce more than they can in other areas around the world. The larger the number of generations, the better the chance of genetic mutation, which leads to better odds for the development of a new species. Another theory suggests that tropical species are sensitive and fussy, and so a tropical environment is the only place where temperatures are stable and less likely to fluctuate. A third argument is that the tropics are ancient and therefore have been afforded far more time to develop a higher number of new species.

While hiking with Silman and his students, Kolbert is introduced to a new genus of tree and walks through the rainforest, astounded at the number of trees surrounding her. In 2003, Silman planted his plots with the plan of returning annually to examine how the trees responded to climate change. He observed a Birnam Wood scenario wherein the trees would start “moving” to higher elevations as the climate warmed. That is, the trees disperse seeds that grow into new trees which would start to appear upslope of their original location. Eventually, Silman’s work showed that the trees were indeed in motion. He found that global warming was “driving the average genus up the mountain at a rate of eight feet per year” (158), and that different types of tree reacted differently to temperature changes.

Kolbert writes that global temperatures have changed in past epochs and periods, hence the advent of ice ages, but that today’s increase in temperature cannot be compared to those earlier changes because of the speed at which it is happening. Global warming is occurring at rates ten times faster than at the end of the last ice age. To continue to survive, “organisms will have to migrate, or otherwise adapt, at least ten times more quickly” (162). That adaptation or migration is unlikely to occur in time to save multiple species from extinction.

A rule of ecology, the “species-area relationship” (SAR), involves the theory that the larger an area sampled, the more diverse the species that will be found. In 2004, a group of scientists decided to test this rule to discover as estimate on possible species extinction within a given area. The findings were disturbing: “between 22 and 31 percent of the species would be ‘committed to extinction’ by 2050” (165). The group ran a scenario where highly mobile species were able to relocate to new areas and, while this method would work for some species, many other species would be exterminated.

In Peru, Silman shows Kolbert a tree, the Alzatea verticillata. This tree is the only one of its genus and also the only species in its family. The tree towers over everything at its extensive height of 5,900 feet, making this tree one that helps structure the ecosystem around it. It may very well be an ecosystem that will eventually become restructured due to global warming. Silman warns that extinction events—or “biotic attrition” (171)—will be devastating to many species should evolution continue to work the way it does. 

Chapter 9 Summary: “Islands on Dry Land: Eciton burchellii”

Kolbert travels to Reserve 1202, a section of an archipelago of the Amazonian islands. Reserve 1202 is a square-shaped twenty-five acres of untouched rainforest bordered on all sides by scrub. This plot of land is part of an extensive experiment run by the Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project (BDFFP), a group of conservationists and cattlemen who work together to make appropriate decisions regarding the future of the Amazon rainforests. The cattlemen and scientists determine and agree on what parts of the rainforests can be removed to provide expansion for cattle, while scientists get the chance to study the effects of deforestation in a controlled environment.

The 50 million square miles of ice-free land on the planet are used as the baseline for studying human impact on the environment. The Geological Society of America recently posited that human beings have “ ‘directly transformed’ more than half of this land— roughly twenty-seven million square miles” (175) through conversion of land to pastures and crops, mining and logging, and building cities. The remaining square miles are covered by forest, mountains, tundra, or desert. What makes Reserve 1202 one of the most important ecological studies is that it is a virtual replication of the shape of the world.

Kolbert speaks with Mario Cohn-Haft, an American ornithologist who works at the National Institute of Amazonian Research in Manaus. She accompanies him into Reserve 1202 to listen for and view some of the bird species there. According to Cohn-Haft, “[b]y the end of the day you could have heard a hundred and fifty species of birds and only seen ten” (178).

When he started his job, Cohn-Haft was responsible for catching and banding birds, eventually tagging roughly twenty-five thousand birds. In this process, Cohn-Haft realized that in areas where deforestation was occurring, the bird capture rate was raised in the first year. Birds who had been displaced due to deforestation had relocated to the untouched fragments, and “as time went on, both the number and the variety of birds in the fragments started to drop. And then it kept on dropping” (179). This degradation began to emerge in other Amazon species as well.

Kolbert addresses the habitat natural to islands, which are typically less diverse in species due to the isolation factor. However, on land-bridge islands, created by rising sea levels epochs earlier, species continue to die out as opposed to stabilizing at lower levels, as happens on other types of islands. The name for this process is “relaxation,” and ecologists believe it occurs because “life is random” (179). Relaxation relates to the studies done by the BDFFP, whose researchers discovered that some birds would not recolonize after the population had been lost, resulting in local extinctions that become regional, and eventually, worldwide.

While heading back to their camp, Kolbert and Cohn-Haft find a group of army ants, Eciton burchellii. Known for their ferocious appetites, army ants support a variety of other species, including birds who are ant-followers. The ants set in motion a chain of life: the birds eat the ants, the bird droppings are food for butterflies, mites use the ants for transport. In all, three hundred species live in connection with these ants.

Kolbert notes that the estimated number of insects in the tropical forests is incredibly high, with research suggesting at least two million species and maybe as many as seven million total. The number of insects means that any disaster that befalls the tropics can lead to the loss of thousands of species each year, or “roughly fourteen species a day, or one every hundred minutes” (185). The only issue with these numbers is that, after a quarter-century, the numbers established in the original studies didn’t match up with what was truly occurring. Kolbert believes this discrepancy is due to the time it takes for a species to become extinct, hence her reference to “extinction debt.” Extinction debt refers to the difference between the number of species destined for extinction due to climate change and those species that have already disappeared. Another possibility is that habitat lost through deforestation can, over long periods of time, regrow.

Back at the BDDFFP camp, Kolbert meets Tom Lovejoy, the scientist credited with coining the term “biological diversity” and known for his extensive conservation efforts, which have resulted in roughly half the Amazon rainforest receiving legal protection. Lovejoy shares the results of recent studies that show that changes in land use also impact atmospheric conditions and circulation. If deforestation occurs on a large enough scale, the rainforest will disappear, but so would the rain. Species loss has already been recorded in the Amazon, with certain monkeys, birds, and frogs found in fewer numbers in larger land fragments, or having entirely vanished. 

Chapters 7-9 Analysis

Kolbert looks at coral reefs, rainforests, and islands as other ecological means by which to study and observe the effects of climate change on species extinction in specific environments. She notes the importance of coral reefs to marine biology and the existence of a wide variety of other aquatic life. The rapid destruction of coral reefs, due primarily to human activity, will almost certainly eradicate species with just a few decades.

In Manu National Park, in Peru, Kolbert examines the impact global warming has had on varieties of trees, many of which attempt to adapt to the rising temperatures in order to survive. In some cases, trees “move” their locations via seeds to find a more habitable place to exist. Other trees that are incapable of adjusting will be lost through extinction.

Kolbert visits the Amazon rainforests to study the symbiotic relationships between multiple species who depend on each other for proper life cycle functions. She provides the army ant as an example of an insect on which many other species’ lives ride. Any of those species who are eliminated from the chain will impact the other species still alive and struggling to survive. 

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